Staging a Vacant Property - ”the FULL Stage” is your guide to a key real estate strategy that will ensure that your property is market ready and Stands Out in the Market.
- Did you know that stage homes can sell up to 50% faster than unstaged or homes?
- Did you know that a staged home can sell for up to 7% more than an unstaged home?
With increasing activity and competition in the Vancouver Real Estate market this spring, can you afford NOT to stage your property?
We all know that buyers emotions and first impressions play a key role in their decisions to make an offer. Furnishing and accesorizing vacant properties is – hands down – one of the top real estate strategies to ensure that your property Stands Out in the Market.
Make your house APPEALING and MEMORABLE to potential buyers and you’re as good as SOLD !
So now you’re ready to stage your vacant property. Do you opt to stage the entire property or maybe just key rooms only?
Let’s first explore the benefits of a FULL PROPERTY STAGE.
You don’t need to look too far to find the recipe for vacant staging success. Take heed from every new development SALES home that you’ve ever toured. Each and every room has been furnished.
Why?….to create a MEMORABLE portrayal of a lifestyle that buyers want. No imagination needed, no tape measures here. Buyers see first hand how their furniture can fit in that home. More importantly, they experience an emotional connection to the space, as if they’ve “come home”. “I CAN live here”….is music to our ears!
Consider also the impact on todays downsizing baby boomers who are often moving from full scaled homes to 1000 sq.ft condominiums. This desire for high density urban living has made it’s mark…leaving many potential buyers touring properties that are seemingly impossible to furnish and entirely “un-livable”.
By staging all rooms of a vacant property you will leave nothing to the imagination. Buyers will see that:
YES, that small and narrow room CAN accommodate their bedroom furniture or their dining room suite.
That’s a CRUCIAL selling point for any interested buyer and potentially the key to their decision to make an offer.
Stay tuned for our upcoming article: Vacant Staging : “The PARTIAL Stage”
Call us at 604-328-6479 to learn how Accentuate Home Staging can help you stage your vacant property so that it Stands Out in the Market !